Amanda Steadman's Blog

TO BE LIST pic quote

How do you stay focussed? How do you not get drawn into busy-ness rather than productive business? Sometimes don’t you find that you are so busy and how will you ever get EVERYTHING DONE that you need to do in that 12 hour daily window? As an entrepreneur, author, wife and mom of two girls under 3 somedays I stare at my To-Do list and take a deep sigh! ( Hats off to all entrepreneurs and business pros with children! )

Then I remember I must practice what I teach and take the 3 HIGHEST VALUE TASKS and get them done – if possible before 12 noon. By highest value task – I mean tasks that are not just urgent but are also important, for example if you are in business, REVENUE GENERATING tasks like sales calls, following up on leads and creating a product will all lead to an increase in profits. If you have children and one needs to be vaccinated – this is important but not urgent, however you still need to make the call to the doctor to it’s got to be in there somewhere. As a writer, again, getting another chapter done is not super urgent but time needs to be carved out to, bit by bit get that manuscript completed.

If I don’t focus on keeping those 3 high value items can be easy to drift into your Social Media profiles and spend 5 hours redesigning your business card! As entrepreneurs, especially if you do not have many employees yet, it is so easy to be caught in the BUSY-NESS of running a business or working at your job if you don’t take a deep breath and spend 5-10 minutes making a CLEAR LIST ( I like to hand-write mine in a paper diary – wow I am sooo old school!) of the 3 things and then prioritise accordingly. I am so surprised when I speak to some clients who say ‘Oh its all in my head, I know what i need to do’ or ‘Its in my Iphone’. But they don’t actually succeed at getting the important stuff done. When I pin them down, it usually transpires that 4 hours of their day is lost in just checking and replying to emails that are not REVENUE GENERATING. Focus on what you can DO BEST, anything else that you can – OUTSOURCE! (More on this in a future blog so stay tuned x 😉 )

So my challenge to you for the next 7 days is, take a pen and paper, write the 3 most important tasks down for your home, business or job, them done by noon. I highly recommend you TIME your checking of morning emails to 5 minutes to SCAN for super urgent enquiries and then DO NOT LOOK AT THEM AGAIN TILL NOON. When you complete your 3 items,  reward yourself with a coffee, chocolate, nice lunch!

I would LOVE to hear how you get on with this! I’ve just checked my first task off – reply to Interviewer in Arizona regarding Radio Interview for my Book Launch in March and second item for today – get my blog post done and out there! I look forward to hearing how MUCH YOU GOT DONE and DOWN TO BUSINESS…

Amanda x


Schedule Your Dreams

It has been 15 years experience and 3 years on the writing but Connect to Authentic Success: 7 Steps to the Destiny You Deserve is almost ready to launch. 87% of people in the USA want to write a book ( I imagine this stat is is similar for UK, Canada, Australia..) but very few people get to start and finish it. Even myself. I have 3 other books in their raw drafts and 5 halfway through! I have a few other ebooks too but this baby is going GLOBAL on AMAZON’s KINDLE. That will be accessible by millions of people! The trick is – how will they find you, well through marketing and word of mouth quite simply.

The point I want to make here is that, its been a long time dream of mine to get paid to write and to make money whilst I sleep. I have done this in other areas, webinars, affiliate marketing, selling products but my systems have not quite been on the scale of Amazon (except my affiliate commissions from Amazon – IF you wish to make money from the book launch CONTACT ME HERE – !) So I am looking forward to this new adventure and to making my dream a reality.

On the other side of the coin, being an author does not necessarily mean you become a millionaire from book sales ( as even NY Times Best Sellers will tell you – although Amanda Hocking did it very well on Kindle with her $0.99 books) it comes from the business after the book as you spread your message further via courses, seminars, home study pacakges and speaking. It will depend on how your readers want to learn more from you and use the tools, techniques and in my case ‘energy’ that you put into working with people. Making money from this venture would be great but and always welcome and I have seen in business time and time again when you ADD VALUE to people, WHEN YOU FIND SOLUTIONS TO THEIR CHALLENGES, WHEN YOU HELP THEM FIND THEIR AUTHENTIC SUCCESS this is when you find yours at ALL LEVELS.

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR ME, which was made clearer to me in my radio interview with Denise Michaels recently that the greatest reward for me is in the results of people who come into contact with me and the message I want to get people to embody. Denise asked “What do you want to receive in thank you emails after people have read this book and applied your wisdom?” I replied ” To know that they have grown out of whatever challenges they are facing right now to the place they WANT TO BE, to have found something that they love doing and getting paid for it (well) so they can spend more time with their children, family, loved ones and being genuinely happy (right now – without having to wait for the perfect situation)” The secret is in front of you!

If you want to know more JOIN US on the VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR from 22nd Feb 2013 – March 13th 2013 for fun, inspiration, solutions, giveaways and a huge dose of positive energy!

In the meantime, even if your dream seems a little far off, if it makes your heart sing – hold on to it and make a decision today to do what it takes to BRING it CLOSER. Dreams do come true!

To your health, wealth and authentic success

Amanda xx


Feel Love by 3.15pm

What are you waiting for? To be a millionaire, to retire, to get that perfect job, partner, house, car, location, holiday, hairstyle or body? In today’s society we are encouraged regularly to buy more, to consume more information because we aren’t enough already. The great thing about LOVE is that you have access to it all the time! The trouble is we get busy, we think it has to come from a partner or the children or something external (not saying the partner or children’s love isn’t awesome)

The point I am making is that when we are ‘in love’ – the world is a brighter place. Remember the last time you fell in love? Time goes into a new dimension, you focus on all the positive things happening around you (as we all know now, you get what you focus on!) Your business could be going through a rough patch, the bills are piling up, you cannot see a way out..then you surrender and discover that actually love (and health) are pretty important!

I remember going through some dark times a few years ago where my husband and I had almost lost everything except our house. One month we’re enjoying our 6 figure consulting business, a few weeks later the world has lost the plot and it was a 180 degree turn! Luckily we both had each other and it gave us a chance to examine what was really important and how you can be happy without the 6 figures in the bank by just deciding to be and connecting with the love within! Luckily life now is where we want it to be, with our NEW PERSPECTIVE and we have not forgotten the personal and business lessons learned back then. Everything happens for a reason – but if you are not happy or are not feeling ‘the lurv’ in your life as you would like to, here is my gift to you:

My Ebook – FEEL THE LOVE BY 3.15pm: 21 Ways to Feel Love and Happiness Right Now!


This was a reply from my 3 year old daughter yesterday as she destroyed the living room with fervour. She then went on to lock herself firmly into our bathroom and managed to get into all my Occitane high-end face creams before I could open the door with a bread knife! (Husband not available for Emergency DIY at this point) I said to her “Ava, you are naughty” and she replied quite confidently “Don’t worry mummy, I’m not naughty, I am happy”.

How can you argue with that? (See picture – they are hard to say NO to most of the time)Image

I can’t blame her, she’s had a tough week. She was in a car accident with her father and sister on Monday (they are all ok! Thank Goodness), then her sister got fever and now she has a cold. Plus mummy doesn’t let her eat chocolate all day so life is hard! No, but seriously the point of this blog is just to remind you that no matter how positive and upbeat you are. Life likes to throw little or BIG reminders at us to WAKE UP and appreciate this wonderful life. We all get busy and some times being a parent or partner isn’t easy. I have had a couple of robust discussions with my lovely husband this week. Then when the car accident happened it put everything BACK into PERSPECTIVE and reminded my how lucky our family is and that nothing more serious happened. We had lots of fab messages and well wishers after the incident so yet another sign of being fortunate to have people that care about you.

I care about you too hence feeling the need to write this post today. Don’t get too busy to LOVE, Don’t get too busy to care and celebrate today with people you care about! Treat yourself to a bottle of champagne or the food that you enjoy and share it with those close to you. Do something you love doing even if its ‘naughty’ – as long as you are ‘happy’ it counts. Have an amazing day xx : ) Amanda

Amanda's New Forthcoming Book. Get your Pre-Order Copy Now!

Amanda’s New Forthcoming Book. Get your Pre-Order Copy Now!

Well its been a while as I’ve had my head down writing and completing my new book ‘Connect to Authentic Success: 7 Steps to the Destiny you Deserve’ and looking after my two daughters who are both under 3! It will soon be Rosie’s first birthday. This time last year I was as big as a house and could hardly move!. I was not blessed with easy pregnancies but GOSH both my girls were worth it!
What is your definition of success going to be for this year? My definition has changed drastically since having a second baby. TIME becomes EVEN MORE PRECIOUS which leads me to question, IS WHAT I AM DOING RIGHT NOW WORTH MY LIFE? It seems like a heavy question to ask but with all this new technology and gadgets its so easy to get caught up in Social Media, texting and your ipod (I have to prise it out of my husbands hands sometimes!LOL)The point I am wanting to make is, today I would love you to spend just 5 – 10 minutes checking in with yourself to ensure that what you are doing today is WORTH that super ‘never-can-get-it-back time.
As a mum, guilt tends to creep up on you at regular intervals, especially when I am working on my book or mentoring. You are a bit torn because you want to spend 24/7 and be the ‘ideal mum’ but my business and writer brain wants to be active too! So I have found that I work best in chunks of quality work time and high quality BEING-PRESENT-with-kids time. Plus everything I am doing now is building a foundation for their future where I WORK LESS AND PLAY MORE…are you ready! Make this year your health, wealth and authentic success x A

A Gold Medal Winner Jessica Ennis Team GB 2012 London Games
Photograph: Jason O’Brien/Action Images

Congratulations to all the athletes of the 2012 Games. I was lucky to watch a great deal of it and the emotions, dreams and talents of all involved were all very evident. I also wanted to congratulate Jane Roberts for winning the FOCUS CHALLENGE and getting her mini biz plan sorted (Power of Focus book going out to you) and I was impressed with Jeff Dawson who made superb headway with his writing (copy of my new book – it will be a few weeks yet so hold on!)

Michael Phelps: His last solo race, the final of the 100 metres butterfly, ended as have so many others. With a win
Picture: The Telegraph UK

I have to say the athletes made success look easy. Sone of those young divers were in the air mere seconds, however some of them had been training for years and years. A presenter interviewed the humble Michael Phelps, the USA super athlete (I think 22 Olympic Medals now;what it takes to be a winner to succeed. He replied “I swam in the pool every day for 20 years (bar 6 months), that’s how I did it. There was no easy route and I believed I could do it”.

Tom Daley – the Popular Bronze Medalist in Swimming! He was overjoyed with Bronze..great effort! Picture: Daily Record

It was clear to see Tom Daley’s definition of success was ‘getting a medal’ he didn’t care which one, just a medal. Tom stated,“I was thinking, ‘You know what, this is it. I’ve just got to go out and enjoy it. I can’t do any more than I’ve done’.”He was overjoyed with Bronze..and it was fabulous to see his whole team dive in on the achievement of the 3rd place. This was not the same case for the Chinese Diver who got the Silver Medal, he was distraught at NOT GETTING THE GOLD. I understand that he wanted it and was probably under great pressure to get it after never-ending dedicated training. However, stop for a moment and just think how awesome a Silver Medal is – Your are 2nd in the world. Something to go ‘Wow I AM GOOD’ and celebrate. How many times in your life do you ‘beat yourself up because you didn’t get the Gold?’ Isn’t it time to start enjoying – whatever medal you have got in your hands today?

In todays world many of us want instant success. We forget there IS EFFORT involved, even all the internet millionaires I know, all started somewhere (many of them in early 2000’s) You need focus, you need a strategy and you need to trust it is going to happen for you.
As I get older I am noticing that the more ‘intention’ I have without the attachment to the outcoome, the easier life is becoming. The less I worry about the good opinion of others, the easier I can breath, the more I focus on the joys of the moment, writing with my heart and communicating with purpose – the happier I become.
Whatever your definition of success you can make it as difficult as an Olympic Athlete (lets face it they are super human!) or you can make it – ” I made time to smell the flowers today” or ” I made it to my son’s ball game” or “I finally finished that never-ending project”. Whatever it is – have your own celebration, have your own fireworks and have a fantastic week!
Amanda @

The London Olympics 2012 Logo

No recession please…this is St Barths darling!

On top of the island

A couple of years ago I cut out a couple of pictures of St Barths (short for St Barthelemy) in the French Caribbean and placed them onto my visionboard at the time (Visionboard is a visual representation of goals or things you would like to accomplish or experience in life) Here are the details of our outing so it will inspire you to think about where YOU would like to go and WHAT YOU would like to experience with your loved one, by yourself or with your family! This was a gift from my husband for our wedding anniversary, thanks Franck!

As you may already know, writing down a trip like this IN ADVANCE also gets your subconscious going and working on how to bring it to you faster. This also works across business goals as well as personal goals like this one. My husband also combined it with potential business – so anything is possible if you envisage it so.

Back to St Barths, it’s one of the multimillionaire playground islands situated forty minutes flight east of Puerto Rico and north of Guadaloupe. One of the most famous residents who stops in regularly is Roman Abramovich, who bought the Governor beach estate for $90 Million in 2009, plus numerous other stars and royalty that own property there.

St Barth’s compared to other neighbouring islands, is a relatively unspoiled tropical paradise with an abundance of beautiful beaches, mouthwatering restaurants, breathtaking vistas, a quaint capital Gustavia (more like a village) wrapped around a picturesque harbor.
Finally after many months of thinking about it, our feet finally touched St Barth’s soil and we were whisked away by our car rental company from the port. I love being met at your destination, don’t you? Our driver was the last person to be born on the island. All other births now take place on the next island, St Martin.

Luckily we found excellent accommodation near Saline Beach (everything is about 10-20 minutes drive from the capital – so don’t worry that you’ll be too far from anything if you are booking hotels here).

Our home for a few days

Saying that, it’s highly recommended to hire a car as there are NO public buses and taxies are expensive. The roads are very narrow so take it easy! There were no signs of recession that I could see. The place was busy but not crowded. Just the way we like it. I can see why it’s a popular honeymoon destination.

The first day we arrived and got some supplies in the main supermarket next to the airport. Not as extortionate as we were expecting which was fab. We got to our hotel and Maryse welcomed us. She gave us a great recommendation for a couple of restaurants in Grand Cul de Sac so we headed there and had a delicious lunch of fish, steak and fresh baguette in front of a beautifully layered azur and aqua marine blue lagoon. Gorgeous.

Lunch in Grand Cul de Sac at le Corail

Then we had an afternoon nap and headed out again to Gustavia for dinner. We couldn’t find anywhere appropriately child friendly so opted for a ‘local’ hang out in the town centre, le Select, a bit basic but we were hungry, tired and didn’t want to keep walking around! You know the feeling?!

Gustavia at sunset with the girls

We were a little sleepy the next day but eventually got to groovy resort St Jean around the corner for a swim and to check out the local restaurants. My daughter managed to bump her head on one of the marble tables so we went home to repair her (bless)and get changed. Our host Maryse, told us to go to Andy’s Hideaway in St Jean for dinner. She also kindly placed an ‘apero’ (aperitif) a glass of Planters Punch in my hand before our dinner very thoughtful!) Andy’s Hideaway Restaurant is run by a 6 foot 4 English chap called ‘Andy’ funnily enough! He’s been on the island 25 years since leaving Wimbledon and has a very successful establishment. I’ll be back. Very welcoming great food, 1980’s music and we had confit de duck and fish. Yum!

As we have a young family we didn’t make it to the sexy night clubs, but we did hear they are pretty funky, exclusive and appropriately priced for multimillionaires and their entourage…ext time we may have a night or two without the babies! LOL We did spot a rather large mega yacht though..tempting.

Gustavia Mega Yacht Anyone?

Sunday was rounded off with a mini-island tour in our 4×4 a swim and lunch at St Jean Beach.

St Jean view from Restaurant

It was Tahiti day when we arrived! Presentation and service above average, main course prices appropriate for the view and company. However they did charge us $12 for one corn on the cob for our toddler and $12 for a bottle of water, which we thought was a little exorbitant even with an abundance mentality! They weren’t particularly child friendly either so I am not sure we’ll be going back for a while!

My husband’s lunch ; )

I shot some video blogs in Gustavia just before we left, however when I was editing it later I realized I was wearing a strapless dress so it looks like I’m topless ( I wasn’t honest, although many ladies on the beach WERE). Not sure its appropriate for the Connect to Success Brand..we will see!

Bye for now St Barths..we’ll be back. Sunset from the St Barths Boat…

The fact that we finally made it to St Barths, proves again that if you imagine something, you put it out there, you take action towards making it happen (getting the time off, getting the appropriate finances to one side, researching the travel and accommodations, reserving the cottage, car and so forth) Dreams do come true (I’m looking forward to going back already!) so WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO PLAN TODAY?

I would like to dedicate this particular blog to my husband, who is a legend and organized the St Barth’s trip, also Andy Murray, the Scottish Tennis Professional who made it to the Wimbledon final this year. He is a fantastic example of determination, guts, persistence, positivity, humanity and heart. I am naturally disappointed he did not claim the championship this year (I really thought he’d do it this year and with the UK Olympics it would have been fantastic) I know the whole of the UK were behind him when he ceded defeat to Roger Federer. One can only trust that perhaps next year will definitely be his year. Congratulations for getting to where you are Andy, being in the final itself is a huge achievement. Here’s to your Wimbledon Dream for 2013!

Even if you don’t plan on being a Wimbledon champion I am sure there are other outcomes you would love to realize. Whatever they are, know that you are a winner already and be grateful for everything you have achieved to date. Make success something you can enjoy on a regular basis (I never used to, I used to make it like this really big thing, I’ll be happy when I’ve published the book, got the big house, my body is back to its former weight. Don’t wait….choose to be happy’ve spent an hour with your son, your wife, you finished a never ending project, you did one gym session, you ate a fab meal, you got around to organising that massage. We cannot only be champions of our future but even more importantly our CHOICES in the ‘PRESENT MOMENT’.

The Logo on this cycle in St Barth’s summed it up quite nicely…LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL x

How are you getting on out there? Time is fleeting as I work through the re-writes for the book. It’s always makes fascinating reading when you can draw on stories, people and events that you experience on a day-to-day basis. For example I was talking to a young lady in her thirties last week about life, goals and getting what you want. She explained to me that she has always wanted children and that she was very determined that one day she would be a mom. However when she was eighteen, she had an operation on her left ovary and it was removed. She was told that she would never have children (pretty devastating to be told that so young!)and would not need to take precautions. So she didn’t and 4 months ago she conceived with her current beau! All her scans show a normal, healthy baby with no internal issues or problems. Now that’s what I call a MIRACLE! Let’s face it, babies are miracles all on their own but I just LOVE stories like this where destiny just decides, yes you will have a baby. This also happened to my aunt who after many years of miscarriages got pregnant at 42, my cousin Amy, a child care professional is now eighteen and all grown up.

It just shows, in life you never know when your wish is going to be granted, so wish well! What are you wishing for right now? How much do you want it? Your miracle could be just around the corner. One lady is also praying for a miracle this weekend…Serena Williams.

I was watching Serena qualify for the Wimbledon Final. She’s had health and injury issues and went out of the French Open quite early. When interviewed by the BBC they were suggesting that she could see and feel the Championship plate already, but she diplomatically said “I’ve worked really hard, my opponent is playing really well right now. But yes I really really want it. I’m very happy to get this far”. We know in her head she’s mentally rehearsed it, she knows the drill and its very likely she will win Wimbledon this year.

(Photo: Reuters)

For her it will be sweeter because she’s had more than her fair share of challenges, nevertheless she’s picked herself back up, the belief is re-installed and she’s going for it! It goes to show if you truly want something and you’re prepared to take some serious action; the prize could be yours. Talk about ‘endeavours’ there are many other sporting heros injecting enormous effort into winning this week and that is the 198 men that are in the Tour de France. My favourite Andy Schleck is out due to injury this year (don’t get jealous Franck, he’s too young for me anyway LOL) These guys go approximately 200 kilometres a day and do it for 23 days (almost straight! It is insane). If you want to see mindset, determination, endurance and miracles do take some time out to watch what they go through to hit their ‘success’ buttons and ultimately a podium place!

Life truly is a miracle. So what does ‘miracle’ mean for you and your life? What miracles have you already experienced? What could you share that will inspire someone else to find theirs? Is what you are doing making you happy? Are you spending extended quality time with those you care about? Make each day count.

I had a little reminder of what’s important as we had a 5.2 Richter scale earthquake here on the island yesterday. I was in the kitchen with my husband and two daughters and the building started to shake and groan. My whole body shook with it, the furniture started to move. I tried not to panic but the fear was all over my face as I held the baby very close and looked at my husband anxiously. Ava my daughter started crying so we all stood huddled together. My mind was racing, ‘shouldn’t we be under a table or something?” Luckily it was only a few seconds but it did give us enough of a jolt to remember how lucky we are and that you never know when your time is up,so whilst you’re here, make that day count! I’m off to feed my daughter pear and apple compote, (or rather get covered in compote)fun!

I wish you an awesome day and remember:YOU are a miracle!


Its been an eventful 7 days! Lots of positive goals hit – including letting go of a property in the USA that has been a nightmare with significant financial implications over the last few years! I’ve got a couple of chapters to finish and the full ebook will be out soon. As with any project the book was started quite a few months ago and every time I thought I had finished something else more crazy happened! I couldn’t make up this stuff. It does amaze me when real life is stranger than fiction sometimes. I am very much looking forward to getting the book out to make sure other people don’t make the mistakes that I did so they can be successful in this area.

Out of all the things I have attempted this is one area I got totally wrong and with the best will in the world, it just didn’t get better! I have learned so many lessons though.Watch this space for a free copy of the first chapter. I’m celebrating that I’ve ALMOST finished ; )

To keep me on track and motivated regarding my current writing, I’ve been listening to Christine Kloser who interviewed Neale Donald Walsche today. Awesome, inspirational talk and even if you don’t want to write a book Neale gives some great insights, advice and content. Click on the link below for the replay if you want to check it out. Note: it does expire by Friday June 15th at midnight EST! Get some inspiration into your daily routine. It always sets up the day nicely!

In addition to this I am the proud mum of two girls who have achieved quite a lot this week. Firstly Ava swam a few more metres on her own with her face underwater holding her breath. I was SOOOO Proud I had tears of joy in my eyes. Awesome moments..memorable times. Here is a picture of us just before we took the arm bands off! My other daughter Rosie (4 months) has started to crawl and figured out she can chew her own feet! The world is a wonderful place! What can you CELEBRATE today to bring a large smile to your face? What baby step to success can you commit to making right now?

Have a groovy weekend ; )x

Living it to the MAX!

Amanda Archives

Connect to SUccess

Connect to Success